Research shows that medical errors and properly prescribed prescription drugs are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States and Europe right behind Heart disease and Cancer. More than 250,000 people die each year from medical errors, elective surgeries and human error.

Prescription drugs, legal drugs, consumed as prescribed kill more people than illegal street drugs. NSAIDs aka pain killers can lead to bleeding stomach ulcers, liver and kidney damage, heart attacks and stroke. Over the counter NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen which is Advil and Motrin, Aleve and Aspirin are only to be taken for a very short time as they can cause the same health problems as prescribed NSAIDs.

The good news is Heart disease, Cancer and the use of prescription drugs are optional. Getting sick is optional. Staying well and staying well even into your Golden Years is certainly something anyone of us can enjoy. How do I know this? I understand applied Biology. This website is an instructional and educational site and is not intended to discount medical intervention when it’s needed such as in emergency situations. This site is meant to educate you in the field of natural healing.

Our bodies are hardwired to heal themselves and for the most part do a very good job. There are times when we get so far off track that our bodies need help getting back on course. Injuries, accidents, poor food choices, emotions, toxic environmental toxins and waste, poor lifestyle habits and stress create a toxic environment and overwhelm our immune system. Ignoring our body’s cries for help creates “dis-ease” and leads to chronic health problems.

The good news is our body is hardwired to bounce back and heal itself, even from seemingly impossible odds. My son in law’s kidneys were destroyed by Metformin for diabetes. He came to me when he was at 17% kidney function and going through preparatory testing for a kidney transplant. The doctors gave him no hope of his kidneys repairing himself. I knew better. He followed my instructions and six weeks later his kidney function was up to 28%, he was no longer dumping potassium in his urine, he was no longer peeing foam and his kidneys were cleaning up his blood in normal ranges. The doctors were confused and shook their heads and told him to keep doing what he’s doing and that he’s no longer a candidate for a kidney transplant.

I’m a Healer but I don’t do the healing. I’m a Catalyst who knows how to assist your body in healing itself. His miraculous recovery wasn’t a miracle to me, it was just a normal process of him feeding his body what he needed so that his kidneys had the raw materials with which to work with.

Pain and inflammation are also signals that you have an imbalance. It’s the way your body has of letting you know that there’s a problem and to send help. Did you know that Cancer is also your body’s way of letting you know it’s in trouble and needs your help? You can heal yourself from Cancer too! Your body lets you know that you have a pinched nerve by creating numbness or tingles in your arms or legs. Your body lets you know that you have a tight muscle by creating joint pain or pain in the muscle belly. Your body breaks down foods into chemical elements so that your body can use the nutrients. Our bodies don’t recognize food like substances as nutrition. A chemical imbalance manifests in physical form such as muscle cramps, not enough electrolytes such as Magnesium, Potassium or Calcium. A protein deficiency will also manifest as muscle cramps. This Blog will be loaded with information that will give you alternatives to NSAIDs that are safe alternatives.

Illness is an option and so is wellness. Stay tuned for information that will assist you in living a healthy energetic and pain free life. Feel free to fill out the assessment form and or contact me for a Complimentary 30 minute session to assist you with one pain point. I look forward to serving you in your wellness journey.