Cranial Sacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle modality that directly works with the soft tissues, fascia, lymph and central nervous system via the brain and spinal cord. Our Central Nervous System (CNS) controls our lives via our thoughts, emotions, movements, organ and body functions and desires. Our CNS also controls our breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and release of certain hormones such as the Adrenal Glands that regulate stress.
CST is a great modality to free up pinched nerves and fascia that is responsible for: immobility such as partial paralysis, Sciatica, tingling in limbs and feet and hands, cold hands and feet and numbness
CST is a great modality for Autism, Autoimmune disorders, Fibromyalgia, PTSD, headaches, Migraines, Sinus and breathing impediments, emotional traumas, detoxing (lymphatic drainage), Stress relief, Scoliosis, TMJ, Concussions and so much more.
Energy Healing
Energy Healing: Releasing Emotional Traumas using Cranial Sacral Therapy, Muscle Testing and Acupressure is a unique method of releasing and clearing emotions without reliving the intricate details and emotions of those traumas. The memory of the event is still there but the debilitating emotions are diffused and, in most cases, completely disabled as emotional triggers. Acupressure uses thumb pressure on specific pressure points instead of Acupuncture which uses needles on these same pressure points.
Long Distance Energy Healing: Vicki is an Empath who can feel energy blockages and works synergistically with clients while assisting them in clearing energy blockages, restoring healing, relieving or completely eliminating pain, and unresolved traumas to calm their energy and nervous system while creating peace of mind.
Long Distance Coaching: Vicki assists client’s long distance over Zoom, Skype or the phone instructing how to work with muscles to release knots that create joint pain, back pain, neck pain and stress headaches. She teaches how to relieve tight and stressed muscles that create Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Heel and other debilitating sharp pain that often results in her clients no longer needing surgery.
“The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” Voltair, the French Philosopher (1694-1778)
Unfortunately, this has been a pattern for centuries. Snake oil is now prescription drugs. Drugs must be tested for lethal levels of toxicity before they can be regulated, manufactured, patented and distributed as medicine. If there is no lethal dose, then the FDA turns down the formulas as a substance they can endorse. Ever wonder why food supplement labels state: “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration…”
In addition, do you notice how prescription drug ads begin with all the benefits and glamour of “a new you” if you take this drug followed by a very quick slick rundown of all of the adverse side effects – nausea, skin rash, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Headache, Insomnia, Dry mouth, Constipation, suicidal thoughts, abnormal heart rhythms, internal bleeding, Cancer, etc.?
Properly prescribed and proper consumption of prescription drugs cause on average 2.74 million serious adverse reactions with 128,000 cases resulting in death every year ranking 4th in leading causes of death (read more).
Hippocrates is the first known Naturopathic doctor that the American Medical Association owes its allegiance: Hippocratic Oath which clearly states that doctors will not give lethal drugs and will use dietary regimes which will benefit patients along with the Oath to do no harm. Hippocrates knew that symptoms are the body’s way of alerting us that there is an underlying problem and not the disease itself. Our bodies are hard wired to heal themselves provided that we keep a strong immune system by feeding ourselves healthy foods.
Unfortunately, in today’s society, and modern agricultural practices we can’t get all the nourishment from our food. Soils are depleted of nutrients. Chemical fertilizers don’t provide the nourishment that composted manures, plant compost and plowing weeds back into the soil, which by the way are nutrient dense when allowed to grow in healthy soil. Vegetables and fruits are picked green and not allowed to vine ripen. During the last few days of vine ripening food sets on its cell sugars, which are vital for health. More on this later. Our food is then radiated and sprayed with pesticides further reducing nutrients.
Our bodies are hard wired to heal themselves but require a healthy immune system. For instance, a fever is nature’s way of killing viruses but what is the first thing we as parents do? That’s right, bring the fever down and work against nature and slow healing. We want to keep the fever and stay hydrated even if it means sucking on ice to keep from throwing up if we are nauseous. When our kidneys need help our blood pressure naturally elevates to assist our kidneys. What’s the first thing modern medicine is trained to do? Yep, bring down your blood pressure. Same with cholesterol. When our veins are getting thin or getting weak spots our body produces more cholesterol to reinforce those areas.
“All we need for health and healing has been provided by God in Nature … The challenge of Science is to find it.” Paracelsus, 16th Century
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates
Scurvy was eradicated with the discovery of Vitamin C. Cranberries are great for Urinary Tract Infections. Osteoporosis may be prevented or at least greatly diminished with Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D and limiting phosphorous to a healthy balance with Calcium. Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented or corrected with disease fighting dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, dark lettuces and chard.
This section will have numerous topics addressing nutrition and natural cellular healing.